Latest update: Change Your Life! is now available from The Book Dragon independent bookshop, by clicking here, or from Amazon by clicking here, and provides an introduction to contemporary shamanism, with simple spiritual, shamanic and self-help exercises to help reconnect with your soul path and live more authentically.
Hello, my name is Trevor Cowan and I am a Contemporary Shamanic Practitioner, based in Saltburn-by-the-Sea, in the North East of England, with my practice at The Bath Street Centre, 1-3 Bath St, Saltburn TS12 1BJ.
Please take a moment to look through the Shamanic Help Blog posts (below or to the right) that include how to conduct your own memorial service for a deceased loved one (memorial service), an introduction to meditation (intro to meditation), and several posts detailing my shamanic path unfolding in quite a profound way. A tutorial video for the memorial service is provided on my book page (book page). I have also recorded some free relaxation guided meditations that you are welcome to try (guided meditations). You can also follow me by clicking the Follow Shamanic Healing button.
As a qualified Shamanic Practitioner who has completed the medicine wheel, I am committed to helping people with their lives through counselling, healing work, ceremony and teaching.
So, if you would like help to transform your life, cut ties from the past, work to heal health issues, gain clarity on a problem, find a new direction, reclaim your power, heal wounds or traumas or simply explore your spiritual nature more deeply, then please get in touch.
Also, to understand how I can help in a group environment, on a retreat or with a bespoke workshop, then please drop me a line.
Contact via mobile: 0794 1315 140, WhatsApp +44 794 1315 140 or email:
Low-income concessions are available.
Please note, that although they have their place, plant medicines are not used in any of my sessions or ceremonies.